2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001

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Oct/Nov, 2004
Monster Muscle Magazine

August, 2004
Cover of Powerlifting USA after Winning 2004 IPF World Championships

August, 2004
Powerlifting USA - 2004 IPF Women's World article

June 2004
Powerlifting USA - Women's All Time Greatest Powerifting Rankings

April/May 2004
Monster Muscle Magazine - 'Female Team USA to Battle at the IPF World Championships'

March, 2004
Cover of Powerlifting USA after Setting new IPF World Records at the 2004 USAPL Nationals

March 2004
Powerlifting USA - Pow!er Scene by Ned Low

March 2004
Powerlifting USA - 2003 Southern Cal PL results

Feb/Mar, 2004
Cover inset of Monster Muscle Magazine after Setting new IPF World Records at the 2004 USAPL Nationals

Feb/Mar, 2004
Monster Muscle Magazine - USAPL Women's National

Sunday, June 13, 2004

At the IPF Women's World Championships, held in Cahors, France, Priscilla Ribic of Spokane won gold for the 148-pound weight class. The competition consisted of 25 countries and more than 100 athletes.

She also ranked No. 2 overall among the athletes, based on a formula at the competition.

Ribic, a lifetime resident of Spokane and employee of Northwest Farm Credit Services, has been powerlifting for 4 1/2 years.

Her accomplishments include being the top-ranked, drug-free female powerlifter for the United States in 2003 and 2004 and being ranked second drug-free female in the world in 2004.

She holds the world record of 540 pounds in the deadlift at the 148-weight class. She is the national record holder with a 501 squat, 314 bench press, 540 deadlift and 1,333 total.

2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001